It is now safe to power off the system

Today I learnt from @Libre盖子 (Tom Li) that Windows still has the ability to not turn off the power after a system shutdown. This is so nostalgic! I haven’t seen this screen since the beginning of this century.

According to him, you can enable Group Policy Computer Policy > Administrative Template > System > Do not turn off system power after a Windows system shutdown has occurred. After this, if you shut Windows down, you will see the ‘it is now safe to power off the system’ screen as shown below.

It is now safe to power off the system. The version in Windows 10 in English. Text in Segoe UI and white, at upper-left corner of the screen.
Screenshot (Windows 10)

Note that if you do not see this screen after shutdown, then you might have hibernated instead. Many computers support fast start-up and have this feature enabled, which causes the ‘Shut down’ button on the Start screen to perform shutdown /sg /hybrid /t 0. This will use Restart Manager to save any apps that wish to reopen, log off all sessions, and put the system to hibernation. To perform a true shutdown, run shutdown /sg /t 0 or shutdown /s /t 0, depending on whether you want applications to restart the next time you log on.

Tom Li also gave a possible application. Read his Weibo for details. In memory of the pre-ACPI era, I have also produced two vector version of the screen in Windows 95 and Windows XP.

It's now safe to turn off your computer. The version in Windows 95 in Chinese. Text in Song Ti and orange color, centered.
Screenshot (Windows 95)
It is now safe to turn off your computer. The version in Windows XP in Chinese. The screen has the logo of Windows XP and the name of Microsoft Windows. Text in Tahoma or Song Ti and white, centered.
Screenshot (Windows XP)

Why am I writing this in English? Because I have written too many entries in Chinese lately. Windows XP logo is available here. [Insert trademark disclaimer non-sense here.]

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