The curse of *Session credential and domain resources

Recently I have reinitialised my user account, so I need to reinstall the UW CSE printers. To do this, I type \\ in File Explorer and am ready to enter my CSE credential. However, I only got a prompt saying ‘… is not accessible… Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.’

Error dialog
Error dialog

Normally I use a standard account linked to my Microsoft account, I have enabled ‘Require trusted path for credential entry’ policy, and I use eduroam with a different credential. So I tried different options:

  • Logging in to my administrator account works: Windows prompts for credential.
  • Logging out of my administrator account and back in to my usual account works, magically. However, if I restart the computer, it no longer works.
  • Making my usual account an administrator does not work.
  • Logging in to another standard account (just created for testing) works.
  • Starting File Explorer (extraneously) as myself works.
  • Enabling ‘Block all consumer Microsoft account user authentication’ does not work.
  • Disconnecting from eduroam, logging off and on again, and using another network works. However, once I reconnect to eduroam, it stops working.

I found a workaround — I can just enter the credential into Credential Manager manually. Then I noticed a strange credential called *Session, whose duration is the logon session. I searched the Internet and found this and this.

The *Session credential is for SSO. Windows assumes that all domain resources come from the same domain (or mutually trusted ones) thus can use the same credential. It doesn’t think offering a chance to enter another credential is useful, so won’t display Credential UI when the attempted authentication fails. This seems to be by design.

Workaround 0

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Select User Acocunts > Manage Windows Credentials (under Credential Manager).
  3. Click Add a Windows credential, and enter the network share server and the credential.

This is the best workaround. Windows will prioritise specific credentials.

Workaround 1

  1. Start PowerShell.
  2. Right-click Taskbar holding Ctrl+Shift and select ‘Exit Explorer’.
  3. Run Get-Process explorer | Stop-Process in PowerShell. Ignore the errors.
  4. If Explorer restarts, exit it again using step 2. This time it should exit properly.
  5. Run Start-Process explorer -Credential (Get-Credential) -LoadUserProfile in PowerShell.
  6. Enter your Windows user credential in the dialog.
  7. Do whatever you should. You will see Credential UI.
Credential UI
Credential UI

Now Explorer is running in another logon session, so it doesn’t have access to the *Session credential.

Problem. Cortana might not work properly when executing commands.

Workaround 2

  1. Start PowerShell.
  2. Run Start-Process notepad -Credential (Get-Credential) -LoadUserProfile in PowerShell.
  3. Enter your Windows user credential in the dialog.
  4. Hit Ctrl+O to open the Open dialog.
  5. Do whatever you should in the Open dialog.

This is basically workaround 1 with Raymond’s trick.

Workaround 3

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Select User Acocunts > Manage Windows Credentials (under Credential Manager).
  3. Expand *Session and delete it.
  4. Do whatever you should.

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