Blog entries with tag ‘Back Then


《化学是你,化学是我》的英文名是 Chemistry is you, chemistry is me,歌词作者是时任北京大学校长周其凤,歌曲一经发布即获广泛关注并被评论为“天雷滚滚”、《忐忑》后的新神曲。我,化学竞赛的逃兵,突然想起来这首歌,并且之前听过它的英文版,既然是“天雷滚滚”,自然比较配惊蛰,就写这么一篇吧。


Christmas Easter ‘Bomb’ of Ant Design

A commit to Ant Design, an enterprise-oriented open-source Web UI library by Ant Financial (蚂蚁金服), on 10 September 2018 buried an Easter egg for Christmas, which has caused a heck of havoc since Christmas. This entry also talks about not-so-obvious features in my blog.

Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 一周目通关

我感恩节期间买了 Nintendo Switch,是为了玩 Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu,也就是《口袋妖怪·黄》的重制版,为此我还配上了 Pokéball Plus(配信梦幻的精灵球形状的遥控器,也可以作计步器用)。刚刚结束一周目(登入名人堂),写篇博文记录一下。

Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu 一周目通关